Con USGoBuy, le nostre spedizioni viaggiano sicure!

Giorno per giorno c'è sempre più gente che si avvicina allo shopping on line, con tante offerte e varietà di prodotti che catturano la nostra attenzione.
E come tutti anche io mi sto lasciando tentare, però quanti timori!!!!!!!
E' sicuro?  Il metodo di pagamento è sicuro?  Faccio inoltro indirizzo,  riceverò la merce dei miei sogni? E altra domanda che mi frenava e non di meno importante in che condizioni riceverò i miei acquisti?

Day by day there is more and more people who approach to shopping online, with many offers and variety of products that capture our attention.
And like all well I'm leaving groped, but those fears !!!!!!!
And 'safe? The method of payment is safe? I do address forwarding, I receive the goods of my dreams? And the other question I braked and no less important in that condition will I receive my purchases?

Risultati immagini per usgobuy 
A tutte queste mie domande è venuta in aiuto ed è riuscita a rispondere alle mie domande USGoBuy, un'agenzia di spedizione pacchi la più affidabile negli Stati Uniti dove vanta un servizio in oltre 200 paesi, e un bacino di utenza di più di 200.000 clienti che affidano con sicurezza e tranquillità i loro pacchi, infatti con USGoBuy gli acquisti effettuati vengono spediti con in tutta sicurezza garantita da USGoBuy con sicurezza e affidabilità, con prezzi molto vantaggiosi e convenienti effettuandoli in tempi molto celeri.

To all these questions came to my help and was able to answer my questions USGoBuy, agency parcel the most reliable in the US where it holds a service in over 200 countries, and a catchment area of more than 200,000 customers who entrust with security and peace of their parcels, in fact with USGoBuy purchases are shipped safely guaranteed by USGoBuy with safety and reliability, with very competitive prices and affordable make payments in very rapid times.

Risultati immagini per usgobuy 

Con USGoBuy con un metodo semplice e tranquillo si possono effetuare acquisti, senza il miimo di preoccupazione e in tutta tranquillità. Basta registrarsi gratuitamente sul sito USGoBuy e con pochi e facili step.

 With USGoBuy with a simple and quiet you can effetuare purchases, without miimo of concern and in peace. Simply register for free at USGoBuy and with a few easy steps.

Vediamo insieme questi passaggi:
Let's see these steps:

Risultati immagini per usgobuy  

Step 1 . Sign up on and get your US mailing address.
Click “register” on the top of or click “get your U.S address” on the home page. You will get your US address with adress forwarding a unique mailbox number associated with your account.
Step 2 . Shop with U.S. online retailers. 
Feel free to buy your favorite products from thousands of online retailers in the US such as Amazon, EBay, BestBuy, Zappos, Walmart, etc. Fill in your assigned US address at checkout. Don’t forget to put your mailbox number in the address. Incorrect or missing mailbox number will result in processing delay or returning your packages to sender.
Step 3 . Get noticed when your items are delivered to USGoBuy warehouse.
When your packages arrive at our warehouse, we will send you an email about the arrival of your packages. The parcel information will also be shown in your account “My US Warehouse”. You will see the original weight and dimension of each of your packages.
Step 4 . Submit shipment request and pay the estimated shipping fee.
You can submit a shipment request as soon as you see your packages information in your account. You will be directed to pay the estimated shipping fee based on the original weight and dimension of your packages. Since we will consolidate your packages as minimum as possible to save you money, in most of the time your actual shipping fee will be less than your estimated fee. Extra fee will be credited to your account.
Step 5 . Receive your shipment tracking number.
Once our financial department confirm your payment, our shipping experts will open and consolidate your packages and ship them with your designated carriers.

Quello che fa grande USGoBuy sono anche i partnership con cui collabora tutti marchi molto noti e di maggior pregio, sia per quanto concerne i metodi di pagamento che quelli in campo logistico tra i quali  DHL Express, PayPal
Risultati immagini per usgobuy   Risultati immagini per paypal 
What does great USGoBuy are also the partnership with which it cooperates all well-known brands and most valuable, both in terms of the payment methods that those in logistics such as DHL Express, PayPal

 Risultati immagini per usgobuy 
I loro punti di forza?
Their strengths?

  • Free sales tax
  • Free consolidation and combined shipping easily
  • Free fuel surcharge
  • Free storage
  • Free repackaging service
  • Fast delivey and lower international shipping rates
  • We offer the most convenient payment method PayPal
E allora non esitare a fare acquisti dagli Stati Uniti con USGoBuy è tutto più facile
ecco il loro indirizzo al sito ufficiale 
ed eccovi anche la loro mail per i contatti 
So do not hesitate to make purchases from the United States with USGoBuy everything is easier
here is their address to the official website
and here also their emails for contacts

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